ZOJ 3529 - A Game Between Alice and Bob
Time Limit:5000MS Memory Limit:262144KB 64bit IO Format:%lld & %llu Description
Alice and Bob play the following game. A series of numbers is written on the blackboard. Alice and Bob take turns choosing one of the numbers, and replace it with one of its positive factor but not itself. The one who makes the product of all numbers become 1 wins. You can assume Alice and Bob are intelligent enough and Alice take the first turn. The problem comes, who is the winner and which number is Alice's first choice if she wins?
Print exactly one line for each test case. The line begins with "Test #c: ", where c indicates the case number. Then print the name of the winner. If Alice wins, a number indicating her first choice is acquired, print its index after her name, separated by a space. If more than one number can be her first choice, make the index minimal.
Sample Output
Test #1: Alice 1Test #2: Bob
sg[2]=mex{sg[1]}=1; sg[3]=mex{sg[1]}=1; sg[4]=mex{sg[2],sg[1]}=2; sg[5]=mex{sg[1]}=1; sg[6]=mex{sg[2],sg[3]}=2; sg[7]=mex{sg[1],sg[7]}=1; sg[8]=mex{sg[1],sg[2],sg[4]}=3; .......................... 发现 sg[x]为 x因子的个数。 证明:由于 假设一个为a, 则:sg[x]=sg[(x/a)*a]=mex{sg[1]....,sg[(x/a)]}=sg[(x/a)]+1; 求出每一个数字的sg后,仅仅须要看sg的异或和,假设==0 和明显,输出Bob
#include #include #include #include using namespace std;const int maxn=5000010;int n,sg[maxn];int d[110000];vector prime;bool isprime[maxn];void ini(){ isprime[2]=true; for(int i=3;i 1) ret++; return sg[tmp]=ret;}int main(){ ini(); memset(sg,-1,sizeof(sg)); int casen=0; while(scanf("%d",&n)!=EOF){ int ans=0; for(int i=0;i